If you are a business or individual interested in investing in a particular project we'd love to have you join us as a Project Sponsor. The Center of Hope has a number of projects in line that you may be interested in adopting.
Having counseling services onsite is a big blessing and a benefit to our community. The space used for counseling currently has one big space and one small office. This needs to be convertedinto 3 private counseling rooms and a waiting room.
A vestibule at the front entrance is needed to keep the weather out when the front sliding doors open. This vestibule will be incorporated into a patio running allong the front of the building.
As we near completion of the first of the emergency housing units we need carpeting, furnishings, decor, home goods and all the things that will make it a livable space.
Cost $9,500
The existing asphault parking lot in front of the main building has far exceeded its lifespan and needs to be replaced. This parking lot gets a lot of use throughout the week from volunteers, guests, food deliveries, and garbage pick-up.
Cost $49,000
With the Free Choice Market, Parenting Program and emergency housing for women and children we have a need for a safe play area for the kids at the Center of Hope
Cost $8,300
A new roof is needed for the first house.
Cost $12,500
New windows are needed in the first house.
Cost $7,500
A professional architect is an absolute necessity in planning renovations and managuing code reviews, designs, and drawing of the various projects happening at Center of Hope.
Cost $9,000
Accounts at Kerton Lumber and Home Depot for the year.
Cost $15,000